
Chapter 10: Open Gym at the Once Legendary Kume High Part 2

日本冲绳久米岛久米高中:感觉更安定了,在球场上,Kam 与 Mikio 和 Ray 一起在久米高中体育馆与当地校友进行了一系列热闹的篮球比赛。 顺利驶过车道后,Kam 转身开始下一场比赛,当他为快乐而兴奋的朋友们打招呼时,他震惊地发现三双明显不那么快乐的眼睛从体育馆门口盯着他。 “嘿,是旧海滩球场的那个金发小伙子! 他到底来这里做什么!?”……更重要的是,他和久米高中有什么关系?

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Chapter 9: Open Gym at the Once Legendary Kume High Part 1

日本冲绳久米岛:在与三木重聚,结识了一位名叫雷蒙德的美国同胞,并得知即将在岛上举行的 3 对 3 篮球锦标赛之后,Kam 开始觉得事情可能最终会在他的新 家。 三人热切地同意加入并进入一个团队参加比赛,但由于他们从未真正一起比赛过,他们需要在比赛之前有一个练习的地方。 三木告诉他们当地一所高中正在举办一个开放式健身房……久米高中。 “我应该去的学校。” 卡姆意识到。 “Welp,健身房就是健身房。 这个岛上的学校有什么特别之处?”

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Chapter 8: Life is a b@#ch Pt. 2

Kume Airbase, Kumejima, Okinawa, Japan: With the advice of his Uncle Mack still echoing in his head, Kam watches a spirited pick-up game on the naval base as he sits pondering his future. His attention soon turns to the game, and he is immediately awed by the rough and tumble, physical style of basketball on display between the sailors. Could he play in a game like this? It looks more like a brawl than a game of hoops! He isn’t given a moment to wonder, as before he knows it a stunned Kam is called into the game to take the place of an injured player…

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Chapter 7: Life is a b@#ch Pt. 1

日本冲绳久米岛:随着时间的流逝,Kam 看着早晨温柔的海浪,慢慢意识到他不会突然回到德国。 他必须面对事实,至少目前 Kumejima 现在在家。 为了摆脱烦恼,洛雷塔让卡姆陪她去美国海军基地度过一天,但起初在他妈妈的办公室里似乎只是平淡的一天,但当卡姆收到来自和 家里的老朋友,对一个意想不到的挑战感到惊讶,这个挑战问他一个问题:你准备好站出来了吗?

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第6章: Bikes, Blisters, and Ol’ Blue Eyes

日本冲绳久米岛:Kam 坐在当地的岛上巴士上,前往神秘的黑川夫人的家,希望最终能买到他的新自行车。 他凝视着窗外,岛上远处郁郁葱葱、绿色连绵起伏的群山。 已经有一段时间几乎看不到别的房子或建筑物了,他心里想:“在一个已经偏远的岛屿上,地球上谁会一个人住在这里?”

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第5章: Of Doubt and the Allure of Gashapon Pt. 2

日本冲绳久米岛:在广袤甘蔗田旁的一条偏僻小路上,Kam 一边运球一边走,他的头埋在地图里。 他很快意识到,不管喜欢与否,如果他想要妈妈刚给他买的新自行车,他就必须了解他在岛上的新家。 小岛到底藏着什么,更重要的是,他还能找到这位黑川夫人的家吗?

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第3章: Meeting Miki Pt. 2

Kumejima, Okinawa, Japan: Having just met a young local named Mikio while shooting on a beachside court, Kam makes a fateful turnover that sees his ball in the hands of a stranger. Now he looks on with suspicion as the unknown character stands menacingly over Mikio, clutching his treasured basketball. Perhaps this island won’t be as dull as it first appeared. Who is this mysterious stranger, and what is the lesson he so brashly claims to have in store?

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第2章: Meeting Miki Pt. 1

Kumejima, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan: Not more than 2 weeks removed from his triumph in the German U17 German Club Championship, Kam finds himself on a tiny island in the Pacific, halfway around the world after his Mother is transferred to command the small US Naval base thereon. As Kam lies beneath the rusty rims of an old sun-drenched beachside court, the only sign of basketball he’s found since his arrival in the islands, he laments the loss of his best friends and teammates, Tobi and Eldwin, and skeptically ponders his future. Will he be able to follow his dreams in this new home? Do they even care about basketball here?

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Transition Game Chapter 1

第2章: The First Quarter

德国,乌尔兹堡。第四节还剩42秒,他的球队落后2分,在U17德国俱乐部锦标赛的最后一场比赛中,15岁的美国人卡梅隆-福特带领他的斯图加特Feuervogel俱乐部球队回到了喧闹的球场上。当裁判准备吹响恢复比赛的哨子时,压力是可想而知的,刻在了两组球员的脸上。这位年轻的篮球神童能否带领他的球队夺得冠军?42秒内能发生多少事?欢迎来到TRANSITION GAME...

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